Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2011 01:40:13 +0900
UCSD (A University of California, San Diego) のプレスリリースです:
"Phase Change Memory-Based "Moneta" System Points to the Future of
Computer Storage"
June 2, 2011
"A University of California, San Diego faculty-student team is
about to demonstrate a first-of-its kind, phase-change memory
solid state storage device that provides performance thousands
of times faster than a conventional hard drive and up to seven
times faster than current state-of-the-art solid-state drives
"Moneta uses Micron Technology's first-generation PCM chips and
can read large sections of data at a maximum rate of 1.1
gigabytes per second and write data at up to 371 megabytes per
second. For smaller accesses (e.g., 512 B), Moneta can read at
327 megabytes per second and write at 91 megabytes per second ,
or between two and seven times faster than a state-of-the-art,
flash-based SSD. Moneta also provides lower latency for each
operation and should reduce energy requirements for
data-intensive applications."
※2011/06/07, 08に開催される DAC 2011でデモ公開
The Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory, UCSD
Moneta and Onyx: Very Fast SSDs
"Onyx, our second storage array prototype, is one of the world's
first PCM-based SSDs."
"Even though it uses first-generation phase-change memory devices,
it can still sustain over 1.1GB/s for reads. Writes are a good bit
slower, but our plan is to upgrade Onyx soon to use newer, denser,
faster PCM devices."
"Onyx: A Protoype Phase-Change Memory Storage Array"
Ameen Akel, et al.
3rd USENIX conference on Hot topics in storage and file systems
June 14, 2011
"Moneta: A High-performance Storage Array Architecture for
Next-generation, Non-volatile Memories"
Adrian M. Caulfield, et al.
The 43rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
"Understanding the Impact of Emerging Non-Volatile Memories on
High-Performance, IO-Intensive Computing"
Adrian M. Caulfield, et al.
2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing,
Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC 2010)
The Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory, UCSD
Phase Change Memory Innovations, Micron Technology Inc.
Phase Change Memory, Micron Technology Inc.
"PCM prototype beats PCIe flash"
3rd June 2011
"Steven Swanson, professor of Computer Science and Engineering and
director of the Non-Volatile Systems Lab (NVSL) at UCSD, foresees
commercial products within a few years; so we are looking beyond
2014 before actual PCM devices appear. He says work will need to
be done on the software front to fully realise the benefits of
the PCM hardware."
"【IMW 2011レポート】容量当たりコストでNANDに追い付く相変化メモリ"
2011年 6月 2日、
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