Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 20:21:52 +0900
[san-tech][03087] "Government Developing Data Mining Tools To Fight Terrorism", 2011/05/12
[san-tech][03111] Re:"Government Developing Data Mining Tools To Fight Terrorism", 2011/05/12
Cray Inc.と Sandia National Laboratories (ここは複数形) が共同で新しい
研究施設:Supercomputing Institute for Learning and Knowledge Systems
(SILKS) の設置に同意:a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
(CRADA) していました。
まずは Cray Inc.のプレスリリース:
"Cray and Sandia Establish a Supercomputing Institute for Learning and
Knowledge Systems"
May 12, 2011
"Sandia and Cray are collaborating on the CRADA and establishing SILKS
with three primary technical objectives:
1)Accelerate the development and application of high performance
computing (HPC) technologies focused on solving knowledge discovery,
data management and informatics problems at scale
2)Collaborate to overcome the implementation barriers to a wider
adoption of data-driven HPC computing technologies in knowledge
discovery, data management and informatics
3)Apply the use of these technologies to enable discovery and innovation
in science, engineering and for homeland security."
こちらではマシンについて具体的な言及はありませんが、以下の Sansiaの
"Sandia and Cray Inc. to tackle "big data" in new supercomputing
May 27, 2011 (発表にずいぶん時間差がありますが)
"The Supercomputing Institute for Learning and Knowledge Systems
(SILKS), to be located at Sandia in Albuquerque, will take advantage
of the strengths of Sandia and Cray by making software and hardware
resources available to researchers who focus on a relatively new
application of supercomputing. That task is to make sense of huge
collections of data rather than carry out more traditional modeling
and simulation of scientific problems. Sandia and Cray signed a
cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) to establish
the institute.
""It's an unusual opportunity," said Bruce Hendrickson, Sandia senior
manager of computational sciences and math. "Cray has an exciting
machine [the XMT] and we know how to use it well. This CRADA should
help originate new technologies for efficiently analyzing large
data sets. New capabilities will be applicable to Sandia"s
fundamental science and mission work.""
メインマシンは Cray XMTと明記され、この後、何故、大規模なデータ処理の
新しい研究で XMTの独自性が貢献するのか力説されています (そんな感じ)。
Bruce Hendrickson
[san-tech][03105] 6/22(水), 23(木):Crayテクニカルセミナー
> 2011年 6月 22(水) 13:30‐17:30 受付 13:00
> [新製品の紹介、Crayの GPGPUの取り組み、Cray XMTの紹介および応用例など]
> "Cray テクニカルセミナー" 6月22日(水) 6月23日(木)
> 2011年 6月23日(木) 13:30 ‐17:00 受付 13:00
> [Cray XMTシステム ハンズオンワークショップ]
> クレイ・ジャパン・インク 東京本社大会議室
> ※"Cray XMTシステムに実際にアクセスし、XMT上でのプログラミング、
> システムの利用方法などを体験して頂くプログラマ向けのワークショップ"
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