Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 16:14:24 +0900
2012年 7月 16日~20日に開催された
O'Reilly OSCON (Open Source Convention) 2012, July 16 - 20, 2012
の Slide/Videoが公開されています。
OSCON 2012 Speaker Slides & Video
Reprints from my posting to SAN-Tech Mailing List and ...
[san-tech][03585] Slide: Summer 2012 ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs (2012/07/15-19)
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 14:18:41 +0900
2012年 7月 15日~19日開催の
Summer 2012 ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs. July 15 - July 19, 2012
Slideが公開されています (全てではありません)。
Program, All Days×pan=all
"Internet2 readies 100G OpenFlow SDN for Big Data"
July 09, 2012, Network World
にあるように、SDN (Software Defined Network) 関係が多い気がします。
2012年 7月 15日~19日開催の
Summer 2012 ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs. July 15 - July 19, 2012
Slideが公開されています (全てではありません)。
Program, All Days×pan=all
"Internet2 readies 100G OpenFlow SDN for Big Data"
July 09, 2012, Network World
にあるように、SDN (Software Defined Network) 関係が多い気がします。
[san-tech][03584] Statement of Work, US DOE/NNSA Extreme-Scale Computing Research and Development FastForward RFP (2012)
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 19:41:03 +0900
"LLNL Takes Lead in Managing the DOE’s FastForward Program"
08.16.2012, insideHPC
先日担当社が確定した (公式プレスリリースは見つかりませんが)、DOE/NNSAの
Extreme-Scale Computing Research and Development
FastForward Request for Proposals
の Statement of Work (プロジェクトの目標、成果物等、役割分担を明記した
文章) を斜め読みしてみました (SOWの TCO紹介は長いので最後にしました)。
はじめにプロジェクトについて (プロジェクト期間は 2年間)
"The FastForward RFP objective is to initiate partnerships with multiple
companies to accelerate the R&D of critical technologies needed
for extreme-scale computing. It is recognized that the broader
computing market will drive innovation in a direction that may not meet
DOE's mission needs"
後で紹介する NVIDIAの Bill Dallyの Blogの方が解りやすい気がするので:
"The two-year contract calls for NVIDIA to conduct research and development
in processor architecture, circuits, memory architecture, high-speed
signaling and programming models to enable an exascale computer at
a reasonable power level. The concept is to use thousands of efficient,
throughput-optimized cores to perform the bulk of the work, with
a handful of latency-optimized cores to perform the residual serial
computation." Bill Dally, NVIDIA
※↑に Storage and I/Oが加わります。
以下の 3領域で RFPを募集してました (2012/05/11締切)
*)Storage and I/O
"LLNL Takes Lead in Managing the DOE’s FastForward Program"
08.16.2012, insideHPC
先日担当社が確定した (公式プレスリリースは見つかりませんが)、DOE/NNSAの
Extreme-Scale Computing Research and Development
FastForward Request for Proposals
の Statement of Work (プロジェクトの目標、成果物等、役割分担を明記した
文章) を斜め読みしてみました (SOWの TCO紹介は長いので最後にしました)。
はじめにプロジェクトについて (プロジェクト期間は 2年間)
"The FastForward RFP objective is to initiate partnerships with multiple
companies to accelerate the R&D of critical technologies needed
for extreme-scale computing. It is recognized that the broader
computing market will drive innovation in a direction that may not meet
DOE's mission needs"
後で紹介する NVIDIAの Bill Dallyの Blogの方が解りやすい気がするので:
"The two-year contract calls for NVIDIA to conduct research and development
in processor architecture, circuits, memory architecture, high-speed
signaling and programming models to enable an exascale computer at
a reasonable power level. The concept is to use thousands of efficient,
throughput-optimized cores to perform the bulk of the work, with
a handful of latency-optimized cores to perform the residual serial
computation." Bill Dally, NVIDIA
※↑に Storage and I/Oが加わります。
以下の 3領域で RFPを募集してました (2012/05/11締切)
*)Storage and I/O
投稿 (Atom)