Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 03:01:27 +0900
Low Latency Driver Softwareのアナウンスもありました:
"Myricom DBL 2.0 Achieves Lowest UDP and TCP Latency for High Frequency
May 2, 2011
"... today announces DBL 2.0 software for its Myri-10G 10-Gigabit
Ethernet network adapters. DBL is specifically designed to provide
ultra-low latency communication, with rapid time to deployment, for
high frequency trading (HFT) and other 10-Gigabit Ethernet
latency-sensitive enterprise applications."
"Myricom DBL 2.0 software has benchmarked application-to-application
UDP latency of under 3.5 microseconds and transparent sockets TCP
latency of 4.0 microseconds."
"DBL leverages Myricom's extensive experience with kernel-bypass
software techniques that allow user-level applications to
communicate directly with network adapters, eliminating overhead
and latency traditionally incurred by interactions with the
operating system. Removing overhead allows data to move between
applications and through the network in the least possible time."
Myricom DBL
"DBL takes advantage of kernel-bypass firmware in Myri-10G NICs to
allow high-priority user threads to send and receive IP frames
※Myri-10G NIC専用のようですね。
Myri-10G 10-Gigabit Ethernet Solutions
"Mellanox Message Acceleration Software Enables Lowest-Latency for
a Wide Range of Financial Services and Web 2.0 Applications"
May 16, 2011
"Mellanox VMA 5.0 delivers sustainable latency under loads of over
2.5 million packets per second and dramatically improves UDP latency
to under 2.0 microseconds and transparent sockets TCP latency to
under 2.5 microseconds, nearly two times better than competitive
"VMA is a dynamically-linked user-space Linux library for
accelerating messaging and streaming traffic. Applications that
utilize standard BSD sockets use the library to offload network
processing from a server’s CPU, with no application changes
required. The application traffic is passed directly to the
Mellanox ConnectX-2 10GigE or 40Gb/s InfiniBand adapter from the
application user space, bypassing the kernel and IP stack and thus
minimizing context switches, buffer copies and interruptions
resulting in extremely low latency and higher throughput."
※こちらも Mellanox ConnectX-2専用でしょうね。
"Mellanox Sets New Low-Latency Record for Real-time Market Data over
10GbE on IBM Systems"
May 18, 2011
"... today announced a new record in low-latency messaging
performance for Ethernet networks based on the latest STAC-M2
benchmark test conducted by Mellanox on IBM systems. The record was
achieved using Mellanox ConnectX-2 EN 10GbE NICs with RDMA over
Converged Ethernet (RoCE), the IBM BNT RackSwitch G8264 10GbE
switch, and IBM x3550 servers running IBM's WebSphere MQ Low
Latency Messaging (LLM) technology."
"The Mellanox and IBM solution outperformed the most recent record
holder (based on a comparable configuration), achieving a 30 percent
improvement over results that were announced just two months ago."
STAC-M2 Central
Overview of the STAC-M2 Test Harness (v1.0)
The Securities Technology Analysis Center (STAC)
FIX Adapted for STreaming (FAST Protocol)
[san-tech][02675] Solarflare: TCP/UDP Low Latencyミドルウェア提供, 2010/09/22
[san-tech][02681] 講演資料:2010 High Performance Computing Financial Markets Show and Conference (2010/09/20)
[san-tech][03116] Chelsioからも Low Latency 10GbE NIC
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