;login:, The USENIX Magazine、June 2011 (Volume 36, Number 3) で、
"Apache Hadoop: The Scalability Update"
Konstantin V. Shvachko
Principal Hadoop architect at eBay
が一般に公開されています (他にもいくつか公開されてます、URLは文末)。
"Scalability is one of the primary forces driving popularity and
adoption of the Apache Hadoop project. A typical use case for Hadoop
is an emerging Web site starting to run a five-node Hadoop cluster
and then gradually increasing it to hundreds of nodes as business
Last year ;login: published my article [12] summarizing one aspect of
Hadoop scalability, namely, the limits of scalability of the Hadoop
Distributed File System [13]. There are many other dimensions to
Hadoop scalability. Here I would like to address some of them."
Size Matters
*)Yahoo reportedly ran numerous clusters having 4000+ nodes with four
1 TB drives per node, 15 PB of total storage capacity, 70 million files,
and 80 million blocks using 50 GB NameNode heap. (2008だった気がします)
※[13] (2010)の Slideでは、
25 PB of application data across 25,000 servers
Largest cluster is 4,000 server
*)Facebook's 2000-node warehouse cluster [2] is provisioned for 21 PB
of total storage capacity. Extrapolating the announced growth rate,
its namespace should have close to 200 million objects (files + blocks)
by now, but an immense 108 GB heap should allow room for close to 400
million objects.
*)eBay runs a 700-node cluster. Each node has 24 TB of local disk storage,
72 GB of RAM, and a 12-core CPU. Total cluster size is 16 PB. It is
configured to run 26,000 MapReduce tasks simultaneously.
[2] D. Borthakur, "Facebook Has the World's Largest Hadoop Cluster!":
[12] K.V. Shvachko, "HDFS Scalability: The Limits to Growth," ;login:,
vol. 35, no. 2, April 2010, pp. 6-16.
※Principal software engineer at Yahoo!,
[13] K.V. Shvachko, H. Kuang, S. Radia, and R. Chansler,
"The Hadoop Distributed File System," Proceedings of Symposium on
Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, May 2010.
※この時点の所属は Yahoo!
;login:, The USENIX Magazine、June 2011 (Volume 36, Number 3)
※FAST'11 Conferenceレポート等が公開
"FAST '11: 9th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies"
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