Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 22:52:57 +0900
Fusion-ioから Software Development Kit (SDK) のアナウンスです:
"Fusion-io Software Development Kit Enables Native Flash Memory Access"
ioMemory SDK First to Offer Developers Direct Access to Flash Platform
for Unprecedented Application Acceleration
April 18, 2012
"... today announced the first software development kit (SDK)
to provide software developers with native access to the ioMemory flash
platform. By integrating applications directly with this new persistent
memory tier, developers will be able to optimize enterprise, web,
and big data applications through direct programmatic access to
the ioMemory computing layer for the first time."
"Select Fusion-io libraries and APIs are now available to early access
partners through the new Fusion-io Developer Program, the first
industry program for developers optimizing applications to run
natively on ioMemory. ..."
Fusion-io Developer Program
Fusion-io Blog
"Under the Hood of the ioMemory SDK"
04/18/2012, Nisha Talagala, Lead Architect, Engineering Software
"... New APIs expose more of the virtual storage layer (VSL)
functionality above what block interfaces do, allowing access
to the powerful capabilities within the ioMemory OS Subsystem. ..."
"In our SDK, we recognize the fact that ioMemory is not a disk,
and expose primitives and programming interfaces that allow
applications to natively program to ioMemory as both an I/O device
and a memory device ..."
"We also provide directFS - a POSIX compliant file services layer
designed specifically for ioMemory. ... directFS leverages
the block management capabilities within ioMemory through primitives,
and adds only the file and directory namepace management. By using
Atomic Writes and Persistent TRIM, directFS is also able to remove
logging overheads. We plan to release directFS as an open source
file system to demonstrate the usage and benefits of native interfaces."
※Lead Architectの Blogなので一読の価値があります。
ioMemory SDK
Flash Memory Evolution
*)Direct I/O API Family
directKey-Value Store API: Build high-performance NoSQL solutions more quickly
directPrimitives API:
Set of individual primitives solve problems like double-write buffering
and transaction journaling at the ioMemory level
directCache API: Create application-tuned caching tier
*)Memory-semantics API Family
Extended Memory API: Transparently extend memory from DRAM onto ioMemory
Auto-Commit Memory API: Store data in memory with persistence
*)Management API Family
ioMemory Monitoring API: Programmatically monitor ioMemory
operating conditions
ioMemory Configuration API: Programmatically control and configure ioMemory
*)Open-Source Applications & Extensions
DirectFS: Access ioMemory directly through native file-access layer
Open-source examples library:
Extensions to popular open-source packages illustrating positive effects
of running native on ioMemory, such as MySQL InnoDB
Fusion-io関連プレスリリースと Blog
"Fusion-io Breaks One Billion IOPS Barrier"
New Breakthroughs in Low Latency Data Performance Achieved with Technology
Preview of Upcoming Auto Commit Memory Software at DEMO Enterprise
Jan. 5, 2012
"Atomic Writes Accelerate MySQL Performance"
10/04/2011, Nisha Talagala, Lead Architect, Engineering Software
"Fusion-io shoves OS aside, lets apps drill straight into flash"
There's a party in the PCIe cache and your kernel isn't invited
19th April 2012, The Register
"Five Decades Later, It's Time For New I/O Interfaces"
04/18/2012, Brent Compton, Senior Director Product Management
"Why run native on ioMemory? Innovators from Citrusleaf, RethinkDB
and Percona tell us why in the video below:"
1)Make it easier to create high-performing apps.
2)Connect to untapped performance potential compared to your competitors
using SSDs.
3)Reduce operating costs for the customers of your applications.
"Three questions Fusion-io's rivals face after flash API bombshell"
Apps bypassing OS and disk to store hot data - chaos or breakthrough?
20th April 2012, The Register
[san-tech][03108] Fusion-io VSL (Virtual Storage Layer) 関連の国際会議での発表
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 17:28:44 +0900
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