Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 12:51:40 +0900
US NSF (National Science Found) の新しいレポートです:
"Advanced Computing Infrastructure: Vision and Strategic Plan"
Document History: Posted: February 22, 2012
Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21)
"Advanced Computing Infrastructure (ACI) is a key component of
the Cyberinfrastructure for 21st Century Science and Engineering
(CIF21) framework." ... "ACI specifically focuses on ensuring
these communities have ready access to needed advanced computational
capabilities." ... "Many of these components are beginning to be
addressed by CIF21 programs in fiscal year (FY) 2012, and a process
is now underway to develop strategic plans for each component."
"The ACI Strategic Plan outlined here seeks to position and support
the entire spectrum of NSF-funded communities at the cutting edge of
advanced computing technologies, hardware, and software. It also
aims to promote a more complementary, comprehensive, and balanced
portfolio of advanced computing infrastructure and programs for
research and education to support multidisciplinary computational
and data-enabled science and engineering that in turn support
the entire scientific, engineering, and education community."
"NSF will be a leader in creating and deploying a comprehensive
portfolio of advanced computing infrastructure, programs, and
other resources to facilitate cutting-edge foundational research
in computational and data-enabled science and engineering (CDS&E)
and their application to all disciplines. NSF will also build on
its leadership role to promote human capital development and
education in CDS&E to benefit all fields of science and engineering."
1."Foundational research to fully exploit parallelism and concurrency
through innovations in computational models and languages, ..."
2."Applications research and development in use of high-end computing
resources in partnerships with scientific domains, ..."
3."Building, testing, and deploying both sustainable and innovative
resources into a collaborative ecosystem that encompasses
integration/coordination, ..."
4."Development of comprehensive education and workforce programs, ..."
5."Development and evaluation of transformational and grand challenge
community programs that support contemporary complex problem solving
by engaging a comprehensive and integrated approach to science,
utilizing high-end computing, data, networking, ..."
"The 2010 President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
(PCAST) report, "Designing a Digital Future," points out that floating
point operations per second (FLOPS) measurements are not definitive
measures for success in HPC and that it is now important "to conduct
basic research in hardware, in hardware/software systems, in algorithms,
and in both systems and applications software." HPC must encompass
the ability to efficiently manipulate and manage vast quantities of
data. It must also simultaneously address innovations in software and
algorithms, data analytics, statistical techniques, fundamental operating
system research, file systems, and innovative domain-centric applications.
The new ACI strategies directly address these issues raised in the PCAST
※ちゃんと file systemsが入っている。
"While supercomputers remain a key generator of data, the exponential
increase in data from a growing, distributed set of diverse scientific
instruments and sensor networks requires a new and qualitatively
different approach to data storage, stewardship, management, cybersecurity,
distribution, and access. Not only is the data much larger, more diverse,
and more distributed, but the needs for data analysis require potentially
different computational, mathematical, and statistical approaches and
the collaborative nature of research has increased the need for more
distributed access."
"This new NSF ACI vision supports both computational and data-intensive
research coming from simulations, scientific instruments, "cloud"
computing, and sensors."
"Designing a Digital Future: Federally Funded Research and Development
Networking and Information Technology.", December 16, 2010
Press Release
PCAST Documents & Reports
NSF FY 2013 Budget Request to Congress
Table of Contents
DOE Office of Science FY 2013 Budget Request to Congress
Advanced Scientific Computing Research
NIST FY 2013 Budget Request to Congress
"White House budget emphasizes R&D; NIST set for big boost"
February 14, 2012, FierceGovermentIT
"The president's 2013 budget request"
February 13, 2012, FierceGovermentIT
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