Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 14:43:18 +0900
International Workshop on
Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS 2012)
Held in conjunction with ICS 2012, Venice, Italy, June 29, 2012
"The complexity of node architectures in supercomputers increases
as we cross petaflop milestones on the way towards Exascale.
Increasing levels of parallelism in multi- and many-core chips and
emerging heterogeneity of computational resources coupled with energy
and memory constraints force a reevaluation of our approaches towards
operating systems and runtime environments. The International Workshop
on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers provides a forum
for researchers to exchange ideas and discuss research questions that
are relevant to upcoming supercomputers."
※Slideは公開 Paperは ACM Digital Library
"Supercomputing Operating Systems: A Naive View from Over the Fence"
I/O Session
"I/O Threads to Reduce Checkpoint Blocking for an Electromagnetics Solver
on Blue Gene/P and Cray XK6"
"A File I/O System for Many-Core Based Clusters"
*)Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecture
"Integrated In-System Storage Architecture for High Performance Computing"
"The RAMDISK Storage Accelerator?A Method of Accelerating I/O Performance
On HPC Systems Using RAMDISKs"
OS Scalability and Manycore Session
"Optimizing Latency and Throughput for Spawning Processes on Massively
Multicore Processors"
"Better than Native: Using Virtualization to Improve Compute Node Performance"
*)Palacios: OS-independent embeddable virtual machine monitor
*)Kitten: Lightweight Kernel from Sandia National Labs
"A Design of Hybrid Operating System for a Parallel Computer with
Multi-Core and Many-Core Processors"
*)Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecture
"Stepping Towards Noiseless Linux Environment"
*)"Nohz cpusets v2 (adaptive tickless kernel)", 21 Mar 2012
"Nohz cpusets v3 (adaptive tickless kernel)", 1 May 2012
Memory Issues Session
"Node-Based Memory Management for Scalable NUMA Architectures"
"Evaluating Operating System Vulnerability to Memory Errors"
*)Kitten and CLE: The Cray Linux Environment
SUNMOS => Puma => Cougar => Catamount => Kitten
Sandia National Labsネコ科 OS
"Kitten: A Lightweight Operating System for Ultrascale Supercomputers"
Kevin Pedretti, SAND2011-5626P
Kevin Pedretti, Senior Member of Technical Staff
Scalable System Software, Sandia National Laboratories
[Links]: Intel Xeon Phi/Many Integrated Core (MIC) Related Web Page
[san-tech][03246] Slide:ROSS 2011 (Int. WS on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers), May 31, 2011
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2011 11:35:14 +0900
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